The overall objective of the project is to enable producers of agricultural products and rural communities to benefit from agriculture and rural development support programmes provided by the EU, thus supporting the country efforts towards further integration with the EU and, ultimately, fostering agriculture and rural development.

Specific objectives under pillar 1: Promotion of the producer organizations model
  • Develop a template documents for  the PO’s
  • Conduct door-to-door campaign on significance of the PO
  • Train future beneficiaries on procedures of foundation of PO, preparation of operational programmes and establishment and management of operational funds of PO

Specific objectives under pillar 2: Introduction of LEADER approach
  • Conduct trainings for introduction of EU’s LEADER approach for development of rural areas with particular emphasis on LEADER+
  • Assist foundation of Local action groups (LAG’s) in two pilot municipalities.
  • Train local members of LAG’s on preparation of Local Development Strategies and drafting project proposals eligible for future EU and State funding.