Review and analyze the framework for the state and public land management in rural areas of Macedonia and to develop a proposal for improving state land management.
Expected outputs: 1. Report on the management of state and public lands in the rural areas of Macedonia including a. Policy, legislative, regulatory framework as well as the practice of the management of state and public lands.b. Detailed policy recommendations (including proposed changes to regulations, tax regime, etc) to improve management/productivity of state agricultural land over short and long terms. c. Specific advice on the role of the Ministry of Agriculture in the management of state and public lands. 2. A pilot (including data compilation and methodology development for a wider inventory) state and public land inventory and analysis of a rural/peri-urban area in FYR Macedonia. 3. Proposal for improving state and public land management in the rural areas of Macedonia including a project proposal (or several) for external support consideration.”
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